Sunday, June 13, 2010

Activist Club

The BP oil spill has left the world seriously damaged. It has also left my faith in humanity damaged; as we sit around blaming Obama and the BP execs. What we need to be doing is coming together and solving this planetary crisis.
Save the blame til after I say!

As an individual its hard to imagine your actions having much of an effect on anything. But they do. I'm a big believer in the 'domino effect': where your action affects this process/person and it ricochets onwards. My idea is to use my facebook status updates with links, videos, photos, other blogs and just general thought provoking ideas, thoughts and my own personal opinions.
I figured Facebook, with my wide network of friends really would be the best way to start my "Domino" activist club. Feel free to add me on FB: (and put Activist Club in comments).

I'm also going to start an Activist group (offline) and will keep you updated on that also!

Just a bit of food for thought: we should try and reduce our dependance on oil, coming up with solutions together would be great so let me know how you have managed to do this!

A blog that inspired me to kick start this project was so check that out!
Until next time -